Jonathan Gilmour-Long returns to Breakout as a board game guest!

Jon sitting behind a stack of games he's designed including Dead of Winter, Dinosaur Island, Wasteland Express and More

Jonathan Gilmour-Long

Jonathan Gilmour-Long (he/him) is a Board Game Designer and Developer from NW Ohio. His credits include: Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game, Kids on Bikes, and Dinosaur Island. His greatest weaknesses are writing Bios, and the color green. He loves long walks on the beach and playtesting games. Sometimes at the same time. His favorite color is Orange, so please let him have that as a player color. His favorite games are Cosmic Encounter, Nations, and The Mind. His least favorite game is "The What Game Should We Play" game. He has four awesome children, with the goal of having a built-in game group any time he wants it.