Protospiel North










Breakout is very excited to be partnering this year with local tabletop game design convention, Protospiel North, to provide dedicated playtesting tables where designers can test their prototypes throughout the event. All attendees of Breakout are welcome to bring prototypes (at all stages of development) to the Protospiel North playtesting area. No additional fee or registration required.

Protospiel North is an extension of the popular series of Protospiel board game design and development conventions. Amateur and established board game designers get together to test and improve game prototypes in a supportive, cooperative environment. This casual event is based on sharing experiences and insight toward a goal of making the best games. Protospiel North uses the same free-flowing format as the other Protospiel events. There are no schedules, formal structure, or time slots for specific playtests. Designers and playtesters simply grab a table and play games. The event works on the premise of getting everyone's games to the table and collaboratively working to make better games and better designers.

Protospiel North Hours of Operation

Friday: 10AM - 6PM
Saturday: 10AM - 6PM
Sunday: 10AM - 2PM

Questions? Contact Protospiel North at:




