David Kingsmill
David Kingsmill has been a gamer and a storyteller almost all of his life, and works for Toronto-based video game developer Massive Damage as a content designer with a focus on narrative. He got into board games in the early 2010s, and went deep into the hobby fast, rapidly discovering a love for playing both group competitive and cooperative games, and perhaps most impactfully to him, playing solo.
Christopher Ono
Christopher Ono is an architectural designer and manager whose love of boardgames, graphic design and history has translated into a variety of activities within the table-top gaming community. He is founder and current organizer of the Canucks Amuck monthly wargaming meet-up, does freelance graphic art and scenario design work for game publishers and has been a member of the Toronto Area Boardgaming Society steering committee for eight years.
Pete L.
An avid gamer since youth, Pete’s interest in the hobby increased tremendously after being introduced, like so many, to D&D. Shortly thereafter, his passion for tabletop gaming grew as countless hours were spent with friends playing a variety of board gaming titles.